Lets talk about attic restoration!304-395-1400 animal feces removal from attics Charleston, West Virginia insulation installation

Charleston WV Wildlife Removal


Scenario: you just bought your new home and had a home inspection, yet after you find activity in the attic. you may have bats up there or you may have raccoons making a living in your attic. What to do?

This is a scenario I see a lot here lately. The home owner stuck with the enviable plan of removing a wild animal from the attic and addressing the daunting task of having the refuge from said animal removed.

Lets face it replacing insulation should only happen when the existing insulation has gone bad. Add animal poop and wild animals living in the attic just makes it ; well just not a pleasant thing.

As wildlife professionals we understand your plight, although this is how make a living, it does suck that you are dealing with this!

We remove feces impacted insulation safely and we can put new insulation in after we disinfect the area and we are insurance accredited. If you have bats in the attic, Squirrels in the attic or bats in the attic we are the company you want! if it is covered we will help you collect. If it is not we offer affordable wildlife removal and attic restoration.

We work with State and local government in wildlife removal and I believe we are the one company for any wildlife issue.

Raleigh County, WV Animal Control in beaver WV, Beckley WV, Beckley Heights WV, Bolt WV, bradley WV, Coal City WV, Crab Orchard WV, Daniels WV, East Beckley WV, Eccles WV, Ghent WV, Glenn White WV, Helen WV, Lester WV, Mabscott WV, MacArthur WV, Piney View WV, Prosperity WV, Rhodell WV, Shady Springs WV, Sophia WV, Stanaford WV.

Logan County WV Animal Control in Accoville WV, Amherstdale WV, Big Creek WV, Bruno WV, Chapmanville WV, Chauncy WV, Henlawson WV, Holden WV, Kistler WV, Logan WV, Mallory WV, Man WV, McConnell WV, Mtchell Heights WV, Monaville WV, Mount Gay WV, Neibert WV, Omar WV, Robinette WV, Rossmore WV, Sarah Ann WV, Shamrock WV, Stollings WV, Switzer WV, Verdunville WV, West Logan WV.

Athens County, Ohio Albany Ohio, Amesville OH, Athens Ohio, Buchtel OH, Chauncy OH, Coolville OH, Glouster OH, Hockingport OH, Jacksonville OH, La MAr Heights OH, Longview Heights Ohio, Ohio, OH,Millfield OH, Nelsonville OH, New Marshfield OH, Stewart OH, The Plains Ohio, Trimble Ohio, Clay County WV Clay WV, Clay Junction WV, Boone County WV, Comfort WV, Danville WV, Greenview WV, Madison WV, Racine WV, Sylvester WV, Twilight WV, Van WV, Whitesville WV Lincoln County WV, Calhoun County bat Control in WV, Nicholas County WV .

Yes we are this popular! only because we that good!

Logan County WV Animal Control 304-395-1400

Squirrel removal in Wood County, WV




Angry squirrel

Angry squirrel (Photo credit: @Doug88888)


In Logan WV as like most states in our great nation squirrels
are abundant. Squirrels have learned to take up residence in the attics spaces,
in the eaves, gable vents and even chimneys. Squirrel Removal is only the first
step to the processes, once the culprit squirrel is evicted and
exclusion must be performed to ensure complete Squirrel control. Squirrel
Removal must be priority whether is bats squirrels, raccoons or rodents in your
attic The Wildlife Professionals can trap and remove them from your property.




Squirrel Removal by squirrel removal and squirrel control
are the best way to assure complete success. Roofers just
closing up the openings only lead to more damage when the culprit squirrels
chew a fresh new hole into the attic space. Squirrel removal from the attic
must be completed before any repairs are done.


Squirrel love to chew and even chew on the electrical wiring
in your home, this can cause attic fires. When a squirrel is living in your
attic, walls or eaves they can create quite a noise factor, that it can be
difficult to get sleep due to the scratching noises in the wall or attic. A
Squirrel removal expert can remove this issue.


Once it is determined that you have a squirrel removal issue
it is important to call a animal control company (Preferably a Nuisance
Wildlife Removal Company). Squirrels are known carriers of rabies and a
variable of other diseases so you should never try to do it your self. Let a
professional that is trained take care of the conflict for you.


Bird feeders are great for watching birds that frequent
them, though rodents like squirrels and rats love to feed from them too. In a
lot of cases of squirrel infesting an attic a feeder are typically close
around. So if you do enjoy bird feeders make sure they are at least 100 feet
from the house this will help a bit.


Dead Squirrels or animals in the attic or walls are a
service that can be completed to remove the animal and s eliminate the odor
caused by the dead animal.


Squirrels are rodents and will cohabitate with other rodents
such as rats and mice. The openings the squirrel makes have been known to allow
other rodent and even bats and birds access.


We also remove bat, squirrel, raccoon, skunk, Rattlesnake,
Copperhead, Mice, Rat, Rodent, Opossum, Coyote, Armadillo, Alligator, Snake, Flying Squirrel, big brown bat, small brown bat, and lizard in Logan County WV, Accoville WV, Amherstdale WV, Big Creek WV, Bruno WV, Chapmanville WV, Chauncy WV, Henlawson WV, Holden WV, Kistler WV, Logan WV, Mallory WV, Man WV, McConnell WV, Mitchell Heights WV, Monaville WV, Mount Gay WV, Neibert WV, Omar WV, Robinette WV, Rossmore WV, Sarah Ann WV, Shamrock WV, Stollings WV, Switzer WV, Verdunville WV, West Logan WV

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