Denver Colorado 720-306-1188 Squirrel removal

The Wildlife Professionals and squirrel Removal

Call 720-306-1188


I bought an apartment in Denver Colorado the early 90’s . I was so excited to have my own place, after all it was my first place. Moving in was pretty easy. I really didn’t have a lot of stuff to move. Me and a few buddies from college helped me. We ended up drinking a few drinks and laughed about our college days. It was a great day.

Later that evening though as I was trying to get ready for bed I began hearing noises in the attic. at first I thought it was normal settling of the house I moved into. Though as the night went on I continued to hear loud noises in the attic. It was so loud I just couldn’t find sleep.

I laid there in my bed for what seemed for ever listening and trying to figure out what was going on. Lets just say it was a sleepless night for me.

This went on for days. after a week I hired a Denver wildlife removal guy to come and look at the issue. It turned out I had a family of squirrels living in the attic. and in great timing I moved in at the time when they are having baby squirrels in my attic.

He was a great guy and explained that the best way to fix the issue was to trap the mommy squirrel and their young. I simply said “Yes!!! I need to sleep. Do what you have to !”  and he just went to work. Jumped up in the attic and put a few traps up there.  Later he said call him if I heard a different noise in the attic that would suggest that he caught a squirrel in his traps. I told him I would and he left.

Later that evening as the sun went down I started to hear the familiar noises in the attic. this went on for just a few moments before I heard a metal on metal sound and I knew my animal control guy caught at least on of the squirrels in the attic.

I Laid in my bed for close to an hour just listening and I heard that same sound a few times so I decided to call him and explain to him what I experienced and he told me we are probably good and he would there in the morning.

He did show in the morning and he actually pulled out all three traps full of squirrels that were giving me such a hard sleeping. He later repaired the areas the used to get into the apartment. I never had an issue sleeping after that.

Years later I became a Denver – Colorado Springs CO wildlife removal agent and now I am that guy that answers the strange noises in the attic calls and I am the guy that goes to these places and reassures the person dealing with squirrels in the attic and the noises that makes impossible to sleep and I always remember that October I got my first home to live in and how I was helped and that makes me ever more resolved to fix the issues no matter the call!

Denver Colorado Animal Removal and Animal Control 720-306-1188


This blog is for information about wildlife and animal control in the greater Denver Colorado areas. If you are dealing with wildlife removal or animal trapping issues please call us at 720-306-1188

We are The Wildlife Professionals and we have serviced the greater Denver Area for over six years. We have built an amazing client base and have knowledge and experience as well as references as the number one bat and animal removal service in the Denver area.

We are not a pest control company dealing with bugs such as termites and roaches. We are licensed and certified in animal control and as wildlife trapping agents with the state of Colorado.  Below are information on the animals we remove from homes, business and church from the great state of Colorado.

Bat Removal in Denver Colorado.

Bat removal in Denver Colorado is when you believe you have a bat issue in your home it is best to try to determine whether or not to call a bat removal specialist to inspect your property. Sometimes a bat in your house can be explained by an open window or an open door including a garage door.

A few things to think about in Denver Colorado; Bats will find attic as a great place to live and build a bat colony. a bat colony in the attic will cause several issues including bat guano and bat urine build up in the attic insulation. They will live in the attic and the majority of them will be female bats. Female bat only give birth to one baby bat a year. As the only flying mammal a baby bat can not fly upon birth and because of this as Denver Colorado wildlife control agents we can not remove or exclude bats when baby bats are present. If baby bats are present bat exclusion or bat removal can not be done in Denver Colorado, at risk of damage to the bat colony or the baby bats. It is very often that bats are found near pools or water sources. When a backyard pool is involved a bat colony is usually near. A bat flying near my pool, bats flying by my pool, bats in my house, bat in my bathroom, bat in my living room, bats in my attic, bat in my bathroom, bat in my attic, bats in my attic, bats in my chimney, bats in my building, bats in my room, Bat control, Bat trap, humane bat removal,

The do it yourself bat removal homeowner in Denver Colorado can remove bats but at risk of the bat colony. it is always safer and more responsible to speak to your local bat control or attic bat removal professional before making any decisions in bat removal or bat control.

Often the best way to determine a bat issue is to watch the house at dusk. Bat will fly out just after the sun goes down and this is a great way to see were the bats are leaving the house or building. If you are thinking of trying to remove the bat colony this is the best time to decide your course of action. The do it yourselfer must remember that even if you can determine were that bats are leaving does not mean that the bats can not find a new place to enter the property; in fact a bat can fit in the smallest of areas or voids. the rule of thumb is that if you can place a nickle on its side in a hole or void a bat can also fit into the area and regain access.

There are several exclusion devices available in Denver Colorado for removal of bats. One is a bat check valve or basically placing a trash bag over the area the bats are leaving and this is a terrible practice due to the fact most bats die in the trash bag and that not all bats leave an area at the same time. The other is a One Way Bat Door, I actually promote and advocate this practice. The one way bat door is a cone shaped device that allows the bats to leave the area at their own time span , though does not allow access back into the area. As long as there are no baby bats present; this tends to be the best procedure in removing bats.

Once bats are removed from the attic space, removed from the chimney, or removed from the eaves gates an attic clean out or attic restoration can be completed. All of the bat guano and attic insulation can be removed and new placed down.

Denver Colorado Raccoon Removal by raccoon removal experts in the Denver Colorado Area. When you believe you have a raccoon issue in your home it is best to try to determine whether or not to call a raccoon removal specialist to inspect your property. Sometimes a raccoon will find its way in the your attic or chimney area.

Raccoon’s also have been found living under homes and business crawlspace and decks or outbuildings in Denver Colorado.

An raccoon in the attic will use your attic insulation as a latrine and one of the first sign that an raccoon is living in the attic is areas where there is raccoon feces or poop gathered. A Denver Colorado raccoon removal expert can remove the animal feces and contaminated material as well as trap the animal from the attic.

Information on raccoons and their life:

Size and Weight: The adult raccoon is a medium-sized mammal and the largest of the Procyonidae family.  It averages 24 to 38 inches in length and can weigh between 14 to 23 lbs., or more, depending upon habitat and available food. The male raccoon, or boar, is slightly larger than the female, also referred to as sow. The young are called kits.

Physical Features: The mask of black fur that covers its eyes is its most characteristic and familiar feature. One hypothesis for the dark fur is that it may help reduce glare and enhance the nocturnal animal’s night vision. The species has grayish brown fur, almost 90% of which is dense underfur to insulate the animal against the cold. Five to eight light and dark rings alternate on its tail. Because its hind legs are longer than the front legs, a raccoon often appears hunched when they walk or run. The five toes on a raccoon’s front paws are extremely dexterous, functioning essentially as five little fingers which allow it to grasp and manipulate food it finds in the wild as well as a variety of other objects, including doorknobs, jars, and latches. A raccoon’s most heightened sense is its sense of touch. It has very sensitive front paws and this sensitivity increases underwater. When able, a raccoon will examine objects in water.

Life span: In the wild, a raccoon has a life expectancy of about 2 to 3 years, but in captivity a raccoon can live up to 20 years.

Diet: The raccoon is an omnivorous and opportunistic eater, with its diet determined heavily by its environment. Common foods include fruits, plants, nuts, berries, insects, rodents, frogs, eggs, and crayfish. In urban environments, the animal often sifts through garbage for food. The majority of its diet consists of invertebrates and plant foods.

Geography: The raccoon is native to North America and can be found throughout the United States, except for parts of the Rocky Mountains, and southwestern states like Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. It can also be found in parts of Canada, Mexico and the northern-most regions of South America. During the 20th century, the species was introduced to other parts of the globe, and now has an extensive presence in countries like Germany, Russia, and Japan.

Habitat: Originally raccoons lived in the tropics where they could be found foraging along riverbanks. Over time they moved north up the continent, successfully adapting to new territories and expanding their diet. Traditionally, they live in tree cavities or burrows emerging at dusk to hunt frogs and crustaceans while keeping an eye out for predators such as coyotes and foxes. Barns have aided their northern migration, offering refuge from cold northern winters, and now, raccoons have been found as far north as Alaska. The species originally kept to the deciduous and mixed forests of North America, but its impressive ability to adapt has enabled the animal to move into a wide range of habitats, from mountainous terrains to large cities. The first urban sighting was in Cincinnati during the 1920s. Raccoon populations do very well in urban areas, primarily due to hunting and trapping restrictions, a general lack of predators, and an abundance of available human food. The size of a raccoon’s home range varies depending on habitat and food supply. In urban areas, its home range generally spans about one mile.

Breeding and Social Structure: The animal is nocturnal, mostly foraging and feeding at night. Though previously thought to be quite solitary, there is now evidence that the species congregates in gender-specific groups. Mating season for raccoons falls generally anytime between January and June.  Most females begin reproducing around the age of one. The female has a 65-day gestation period and gives birth to two to five kits, usually in the spring. A mother usually separates from other raccoons to raise her young alone. The male does not participate in the raising of the kits. The black mask is already visible on newly-born kits. The kits stay in the den with their mother until they are between 8-10 weeks old, and will stay with their mother until they reach 13-14 months of age.

Denver Colorado Squirrel Removal by attic squirrel control and squirrel removal experts. Squirrel removal experts in the Denver Colorado Area. When you believe you have a squirrel issue in your home it is best to try to determine whether or not to call a squirrel removal specialist to inspect your property. Sometimes a squirrel will find its way in the your attic or chimney area.

Squirrels feed on small insects, roots, tree bark, leaves and acorns. It can be noted that when you give a certain type of squirrel tree bark for him to chew, the little guy would just flatly ignore it. Don’t feel bad because some Squirrel species do not have stomachs that break down cellulose .

One famous relative of theirs, the flying squirrel  has a special stretchy skin called the patagium that extends and helps the animal glide through the air. When it takes its jump, scientists report that it could daringly take the plunge from 150 feet. Flying squirrel removal is also available.

Denver Colorado Snake Removal  by snake control and snake removal professionals in Alabama.

If you are bitten by a snake : 
First thing is was the snake venomous? If you know you have been bitten by a harmless snake in Denver Colorado, it will save you much stress and eliminate the need for treatment. Many people are bitten by harmless snakes each year and experience nothing but small scratches that readily heal. If you are certain a venomous snake was involved, get to the nearest hospital or medical facility as quickly as possible. If possible, notify them ahead of time via telephone of your situation. This gives the physician time to prepare and call the nearest poison information center for advice. 

As In Denver Colorado Snakes are in every state of our country. you will at one time or more in your life run across them, whether in your garden, garage or even in your home.

Eastern Rat snakes are one of my favorite snakes just because they are so fascinating. For one thing they don’t need the sun to metabolize their foods. this means that they don’t have to be out in the sun to digest their meals. they hang out in crawl spaces and even attics for months at a time where other snakes would need to come and go.

So its no wonder that in Denver Colorado I am called on most of my reptile calls to remove them.

Copperhead Snakes or Agkistrodon Contortrix
Theses snakes can vary in color from grey to Brown Cross bands to light brown variations.
When Copperhead snakes are born (alive, and not from eggs) they look like adults except for the yellowish or greenish tail coloration.

Copperhead Habitat:  Most copperhead snakes prefer open Rocky Woodland , Rock Edges, and open grassland near woodland outcrops. Copperheads blend in tremendously with most leaf litter. In the Summer(Hot) Months Copperheads become nocturnal. In Spring and Fall they are often found on Wooded Hilltop Rock Outcrops with a southern exposure in
Denver Colorado.

Mother Copperhead snakes typically give birth from August to October depending the area or state they live in, and they give live birth and not from eggs.
Food consists of insects, frogs, toads, lizards,small birds, other snake and they love rodents.

Prairie Rattlesnake: Crotalus Viridus
a Pitt Viper Snake, Has one of the largest rattles of most if rattlesnakes. Dark Gray or Brown Blotches, Head body and tail are greenish gray to brown. Tails bands are similar color to body blotches, belly grayish white. youth looks similar to adults.
Habitat: Rocky Canyon or open prairies with abundant small wildlife that burrow to feed upon. They are burrow explorer experts.
in Spring and fall they prefer south facing hillsides with large rock outcrops.
Summer months they become nocturnal exploring the grasslands and prairies for food such as lizards, mice, rats, chipmunks, gophers, prairie dogs and other smaller snakes.

Pigmy Rattlesnake:
Western Diamond Back Rattlesnake:
The Western Diamond Back Rattlesnake is considered one of the largest rattlesnake in the U.S.A .These Pit vipers are dangerous to livestock, pets and human.
Size ranges for 10 inches to 60 inches (that’s five feet long) These awesome snake are born alive and not from eggs. their venom is a hemotoxic venom that attacks the blood system

Eastern Diamond Back Rattlesnake:
The Eastern Diamond Back Rattlesnake is the largest rattlesnake found in the U.S.A .These Pit vipers are dangerous to livestock, pets and human.
Size ranges for 10 inches to 8 feet in length and weighing in at around 10 pounds. These awesome snake are born alive and not from eggs. their venom is a hemotoxic venom that attacks the blood system
You can find theses pit vipors around dry pine, Flatwoods, Pine leaf litter, and Coastal Scrub or brush areas.

Water Moccasin Snake: Venomous
Coral Snake: Venomous
Timber Rattlesnake: Venomous
Massasaugas Rattlesnake : Venomous

How do I get rid of Snakes in Denver Colorado? How do I get rid of the snake in my garage in Denver Colorado? I have a snake in my garage in Denver Colorado. I have a snake in my House Denver Colorado, I have snakes in my yard in Denver Colorado. Who can I call for snake removal services in Denver Colorado? Do snake bites kill? will a rattler kill you and how do you know if its a rattle snake? how do you know if a snake is poisonous in Denver Colorado? I found a snake Skin  in my crawlspace. Paul had a snake in his house and the city of Denver Colorado said they would send a sheriff, but the snake was gone before they got there. Is a rattler the same as a rattlesnake? Are there Rattles in Denver Colorado? Are There Rattlesnakes in Denver Colorado? What Kind of snakes do we have in Denver Colorado? How Many poisonous snakes are in Denver Colorado? Will Rattlesnakes den in the crawlspace in Denver Colorado? Do Rattlesnakes climb? What kind of repellent works on snakes?

Denver Colorado Opossum Removal by animal removal or opossum control in Denver Colorado can handle any possum issue you may be dealing with including trapping the animal and removing it. When you believe you have a animal control issue in your home it is best to try to determine whether or not to call a opossum removal specialist to inspect your property. Sometimes a possum will find its way in the your attic or chimney area.

Opossum also have been found living under homes and business crawlspace and decks or outbuildings.

An Opossum in the attic will use your attic insulation as a latrine and one of the first sign that an Opossum is living in the attic is areas where there is Opossum feces or poop gathered. A Opossum removal expert can remove the animal feces and contaminated material as well as trap the animal from the attic.

Alaska pest control companies are fantasic for dealing with ants and cockroaches, But not usually best soltution for animal control and wildlife removal problems. Some pest control offer wildlife removal and even bat removal, though most do not have the experience to deliver a solutution to the wildlife or animal conflict.

We also provide:

  • pest animal removal in Denver Colorado
  • Animal Removal in Denver Colorado
  • Animal trapping in Denver Colorado
  • Animals in the attic removal in Denver Colorado
  • in the attic inspections in Denver Colorado
  • Groundhog trapping removal in Denver Colorado
  • Mole removal trapping in Denver Colorado
  • Bird control in Denver Colorado
  • Animal in Crawlspace- eaves removal in Denver Colorado

Denver Colorado pest control removal and Chimney has red Squirrel poop. Raccoon in my Denver Colorado windows and he said the squirrels scratched in the walls. Denver Colorado Pest Control thumping sound. Walls urine stain rats in my ceiling . Denver Colorado Pest Removal termites. Denver Colorado Roaches ants Pest removal stink. Raccoons in trash. Denver Colorado Squirrels in walls and ceiling . Denver Colorado Abandoned home opossum skunk trapping. SKIING in has many raccoons , Beer and raccoons don’t mix an add in Denver Colorado daily gazette. bat removal. Denver Colorado Rats in basement. Denver Colorado Basement wildlife. Denver Colorado Crazy Wild animal control.Denver Colorado  Humane animal removal . Denver Colorado Critter and animal Control. Denver Colorado digging animals mole Denver, Denver Colorado Turf and surf . Denver Colorado Control of critters. Denver Colorado Squirrels in the attic cause fire issues. Denver Colorado Raccoons in my attic can be messy. Denver Colorado wildlife removal. Denver Colorado Attic fires caused by Flying squirrels. Rat traps in  crawlspace. Denver Colorado  Rodent snap traps to get rid of rats in your home . Denver Colorado How to get rid of bats Plumbing issues and wild  animal removal.  Denver Colorado Dead Animals in the duct works , scratching sounds in the vents, and Denver Colorado scratching in the heating ducts. I saw a animal in my Denver Colorado duct works. Denver Colorado Carwlspace snakes. Denver Colorado Gable vents access point, my Ridge vents are open and bird removal is needed. Denver Colorado Bat control a must. Denver Colorado has bat removal issues.  Denver Colorado Mole hills in my mulch. Denver Colorado  Voles in the hills . Denver Colorado Holes in the yard. Denver Colorado Snakes and cats in the engine. My pants have ants. Denver Colorado Socks in the drawer and rats. Denver Colorado attic basement and eaves bat removal with gaps with squirrels that let bats in Denver Colorado. Denver Colorado caulking gaps .  Denver Colorado Dead animal removal. Denver Colorado Daed animal removal . Denver Colorado mole yard issues. Arvada wildlife control in Colorado. Westminster Colorado animal control and wildlife trapping. Thornton CO animal removal and abatement. Aurora bat removal and bat colony control. Englewood has serious bat and animal issues in the local homes and business areas. Littleton CO sees a lot of bat activity in the area and may need bat control and bat removal.

Colorado Springs, CO Animal Control 720-306-1188 Wildlife Removal

Animal Control- Nuisance Wildlife Trapping-Bat-Snake-Raccoon-Squirrel
Bird Control in | Bat Removal| Rodent Removal| Squirrel Removal| Raccoon Removal| Skunk Removal| Opossum Removal| Rat Removal| Mice Removal| Snake Removal| Trapping and Exclusion Service| Animal Control Services| Pest Control
The Wildlife Professionals
of Colorado Springs, Colorado


Wildlife conflicts cause a lot of damage every year for property owners .This can be very frustrating for all concerned.

Common raccoon (Procyon lotor) and skunk (Meph...
Common raccoon (Procyon lotor) and skunk (Mephitis mephitis) in a Hollywood, California back yard feasting on cat food. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Technicians are trained in true Bat Squirrel Raccoon and Wildlife Removal and Animal Control!
Experience and the love of wildlife ensures complete and humane conclusions to all conflicts.
Wildlife Control and Pest Animal Removal Experts!
(Common Eastern Garter or Gardener Snake, Very docile!)

If you answer yes to any of the below, it is time to call us!
Do you have squirrels in the attic? Do you have raccoons in the attic? are you hearing unexplained sounds coming from the attic? is there scratching in the wall. do you have snakes in the yard in? have you seen opossum in the trash at night? have you seen or heard bats in the attic? have you found a snake skin in the basement or attic space in? have you heard unexplained noises in the chimney? smelling foul odors that may be a skunk under your house or in the crawlspace and heating ducts? Do you need bat removal from your home? Do you need bat control ? do you have raccoon in the attic? are you hearing scratching noises in the ceiling? are there squirrel up in the attic? have you seen birds flying into the eaves? heard flying squirrels in the attic? Have beavers in my pond? Alligator in the pool? Chipmunks in the basement. Birds on the roof and in the attic or chimney. Coyotes in the yard.
Call Us now!
We remove bats by humane Bat control, Bird Removal, Beaver, Cats, Coyote, Chimney Swifts, Chipmunks, Flying Squirrel, Fox, Geese, Groundhogs, Moles, Muskrat, mice, Opossum, Pigeons, Rabbits, Raccoon Removal, Rat Removal, rodents of all kinds, Skunks, Snake Removal, Squirrel Removal, Sparrows, Starlings, and Woodpeckers , alligator.
Raccoon removal Services should be performed by Raccoon removal professionals.

Raccoon removal can be dangerous and that true Raccoon control can only happen if the Raccoon removal process includes with exclusion.
Raccoons love to get into your trash and eat your pets food that is often left on the back porch in most instances. Once a raccoon establishes a food source it may decide to make your home its own too. Raccoon removal and raccoon control issues

Sam saw the bat fly out from the house. I was in the swimming pool and all of a sudden a bat was dive-bombing us.

I received a call about a bat that had got into the house and the customer was frantic for obvious reasons. Once I heard from a client “Why do bats decide to live in homes and buildings? Do cave bats live my house? Do the bats have white nose syndrome? How do I get rid of bats in? Why is the raccoon in my house instead of out in the forest? Will Squirrels Chew on wires in the attic of my home? Who will remove bats in my attic? ”

Are there tricks to get squirrels trapped? Mike couldn’t believe when saw the Raccoon in the trash.” It was in the trash can and it scared me about as much as I did it”. I have tried to trap, but the squirrel is still up there. Squirrel removal can be tricky. Is there a way to get Squirrel control?

Pro squirrel removal professionals should perform squirrel removal services and that bat removal can be dangerous and that true Squirrel control can only happen if the Squirrel removal process includes with exclusion. Squirrel removal and squirrel control issues

Other Question range from, Do bats carry Rabies? When do raccoons have babies? Are Raccoons vicious when they have young? Terry screamed when he saw the raccoon in the kitchen eating the dog food. He called the wildlife professionals immediately. Will Repellents work and what repellents are the best?

The raccoon ripped our Gable vent completely off the house to get in. There it was hanging in the curtain in the bathroom window. It must have gotten in through the HVAC system. How do I get rid of bats? They are everywhere in the attic. I have poop in the attic, smells like feces. Do squirrels make scratching sounds too? How do you know if you have rats?

The Squirrel ran across the power line and then into a hole on my house. Opossum’s hiss when agitated and will play dead only if they feel threatened. A skunk can spray you up to 15 feet away. If you kill a skunk will it spray? Yes Skunks will spray if you kill them.

Do squirrels get into the wall too or is that mice? Sarah saw the snake in the garage and raced into the house to get away from it.

What is Bat removal and why is bat removal a priority when you have bats in the attic? What’s the number for a Bat control officer? I need bats removed from my home. Does turning the light on in the attic chase out the animal?

How long does a dead animal stink? Travis said that the snake was in the bathroom on Monday, he killed it . Now he has seen yet another snake in his house, this time in the basement.

Bat removal professionals should perform bat removal services and that bat removal can be dangerous and that true bat control can only happen if the bat removal process includes with exclusion. bat removal and bat control issues
I saw Pigeons on my roof and want them gone. How do I get rid of these birds in? Birds are a issue on my property. Bird control is the same as pest bird management . Birds are pooping on my car. There is bird poop in my attic. I need the birds out of my attic. My car has been bombed by bird poop. Our car parking area has a bird issue. I am sick of bird shit on my car. City bird Control services is important.
Raccoon and squirrel in the attic. But it seams to be a complacent place for Bat removal and a real need for bat control by animal control agents of Amarillo Texas
( Bat removal project. Beautiful House)

We specialize in Bat control and bat removal.
The wildlife Professionals can remove bats, squirrels, raccoons, opossum and rodents from eaves attic and soffit areas of your home.
Bat removal can be crucial when plagued by bats in in your attic! The Wildlife Professionals does not trap bats in you home, the use of a one-way bat door exclusive to the wildlife professionals are used. we do not use the generic version found online!.

(Huge pile of Bat Guano-Bat Poop i)
(Raccoon caught in a humane trap)

Raccoon removal in the attic can be difficult to deal with.
It is becoming an alarmingly frequent issue homeowners are dealing with, so much so that insurance companies are starting to cover the damage that raccoons cause! Raccoons can get into your chimney; attic, Soffit area and even your crawlspace were they can reek havoc on the HVAC duct work. We see raccoons as well as opossum in this activity daily.

( Grey Squirrel found almost everywhere in the united States)

Squirrels in the attic chimney soffit and walls scratching can be keep the heaviest of sleepers awake. squirrel scrape and scratch in walls and ceilings. Squirrels can have babies either in the spring or fall and sometimes both. Squirrels are the leading cause of attic fires due to the chewing of electrical wires. Only true Squirrel removal by trapping the culprit animal and then performing exclusion is the only way to ensure no further instances!
We Specialize in Bat removal, Squirrel Removal, Raccoon Removal, Skunk Removal, Bird Removal, opossum Removal, Snake removal, Poisonous Snake Removal, Copperhead Rattlesnake removal, Rattle snake removal, Coyote removal in Amarillo Texas and surrounding areas.
Animal Control and wildlife removal Services.
Animal control by Animal removal and professional animal control techniques can be very much diffident than the humane society.

Animal control in the wildlife point of view is the process of removing wild animals from your home or office and giving the option of an animal control exclusion or preventative repairs to ensure no future conflicts happen.

The Wildlife Professionals will not do domestic Animal control or domestic animal removal such as Dogs please call your local Humane society.

We remove nuisance wildlife animals such Bat, Squirrel, Raccoon, Skunk, Bird, opossum, Snake, Poisonous Snake Removal, Copperhead and Rattlesnake removal, Rattle snake removal, Fox, Groundhog, Beaver, Mole, Flying Squirrel, Rodent and Coyote removal in Amarillo Texas and surrounding areas..

Squirrel removal service.
Like most cities in our great nation squirrels are abundant. Squirrels have learned to take up residence in the attics spaces, in the eaves, gable vents and even chimneys.

Squirrel Removal is only the first step to the processes, once the culprit squirrel is evicted and exclusion must be performed to ensure complete Squirrel control. Animal Removal must be the priority whether is bats squirrels, raccoons or rodents in your attic The Wildlife Professionals can trap and remove them from your property.

Raccoon Removal and coon control service.
In most cities in our great nation Raccoons are abundant.

Raccoon Removal Services by raccoon removal experts are the key to raccoon removal for good. Raccoons have learned that the attics Chimneys and soffits (eaves) of our homes can be a safe place to have babies and live. Raccoon Removal is only the first step.

Exclusion of the raccoon in the attic is Paramount to conclusion of issue. Whether it is bats, squirrels, raccoon or rodents such as mice and rats in your attic The Wildlife Professionals can trap and remove them from your property.
Skunk Removal service.
Skunk Removal services by Skunk Control experts such as The Wildlife Professionals are always the best way to go.

Skunks can tear holes in your yard and get into your trash. Skunk tend to live in borrows such as old groundhog holes, Skunks can live in decks and out building and even in crawlspaces under the house.

Animal Control and skunk control co-inside on this case. Trapping the skunk can be dangerous due to skunks can make quite a stink, Let the Skunk Removal Experts in animal control remove the threat for you.
Snake Removal service.
Never handle a snake yourself! Snakes can be dangerous and each year poisonous snakes bite many people. Let a trained snake pro wrangle with the snake.

Snake removal Services can be a daunting task. though snake control can be achieved, if you get a snake removal expert in snake control to help you out. From garter snake, garden snake, Rattlesnake, Coral Snake, Water Moccasin, King Snakes, Corn Snake, Bull Snake, Racer Snake, Black racer, Pine Snake, Red neck Snake, Water snake, Rat Snake and even copperhead – The Wildlife Professionals are here to help.
Bat Removal service.
In most states in our great nation Bats are abundant. Bats have learned that the attics Chimneys and soffits of our homes can be a safe place to have babies and live. Bat Removal Service is only the first step. Exclusion of the Bats in the attic is Paramount to conclusion of issue. Bat removals by bat removal experts are the way to go when trying to get rid of bats in your home and have bat control available. Whether is bats squirrels raccoons or rodents in your attic The Wildlife Professionals can trap and remove them from your property.
Rat Removal service.
Rat Removal Service by Rat Control experts such as The Wildlife Professionals is always the best way to go. Rats can tear holes in your walls and get into your trash. Rats tend to live in the walls and make scratching noises, and in your attic, basement and living spaces, Rats can live in out building and even in crawlspaces under the house. Animal Control and rat control co-inside on this case. Let the The Wildlife Professionals and Rodent Removal Experts in animal control remove the threat for you.
Rodent Removal services.
Mice, Ground Squirrels, Nutria, Muskrat, Porcupine, Armadillo, Chipmunks and even flying squirrels cause unknown amounts of money due to their chewing of electrical wiring. Once in the house rodent can multiply very fast and you can have an issue with out even knowing it. Rodent often cause scratching noises in the wall. Rodents can get into your HVAC systems or vents and sound very much like a larger critter due to the echo effect.
Nutria, Muskrat and Porcupine are herbivores and they can strip riverbanks clean and cause serious erosion issues and conflicts. The Wildlife Professionals can put an end to this for you once and for all.
Bird Removal -Bird Control service in city.
Birds have become an ever-increasing issue with homeowners. Whether they enter your dryer vent exhaust, Bathroom vent, Chimney, kitchen Stove Vent or your A/C Vent. Bird control can be as simple as a single call to your local Wild Animal Removal service Company. A Qualified Pest Bird Removal service Company can not only remove the issue, they can actually perform an exclusion to keep them out for good. Herring Gull, Mourning Dove, Pigeon, Buzzard, Falcon, Eagle, Turkey, Rock Dove, Common Crow, Blue Jay, Black Capped Chickadee, Red Breasted Nutatch, Northern Mockingbird, American Robin, Yellow Warbler, European Starling, house Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Chipping Sparrow, and Song Sparrow as well as any other nuisance Birds in your area can be properly taken care of by an Expert.
Dead Animal Removal Process.
When a animal is sick or injured they will seek safe harbor to either lick their wounds or make arrangement’s for their death. Most of the time they are simply scared injured and are trying to find a safe place to heal. A dead animal in the walls can be a extremely difficult problem, as well as a dead animal under the house can be difficult. Professionals should be called for these issues. It is important that you as a homeowner should understand that no matter how great wildlife professional is they can’t always fix a dead animal issue. this is why we have odor reducing agents that can get you through the worst of the dead animal issue.
We trap and removal Coyote and fox from your property.

Animal control also available in Black Forest Colorado, Calhan Colorado, Cascade Colorado, Chipita Park Colorado, Cimarron Hills Colorado, Ellicott Colorado, Fort Carson Colorado, Fountain Colorado, Glen Park Colorado, Gleneagle Colorado, Knob Hill Colorado, Manitou Springs Colorado, Monument Colorado, Palmer Lake Colorado, Papeton Colorado, Pikeview Colorado, Pine Crest Colorado, Ramah Colorado, Rock Creek Park Colorado, Roswell Colorado, Security Colorado, Stratmoor Colorado, Widefield Colorado, Woodmoor Colorado, Bat, bats, bat in attic, attic bat, attic, coon, raccoon, raccoon in the attic, squirrel, squirrel in the attic, bird control, pest control, wildlife removal, animal control, snake, snake control, beaver, fox, coyote, trap, trapping, animal trap, humane trapping, attic restoration, insulation removal, bat guano, bat feces in insulation, dead animal, dead animal removal, small animal control, small animal trapping, noises in the wall, scratching, mice, rat, rodent, pest, rat trap, poison, rat poison, bat colony, bat infestation, infestation, bat flying around, bat in house, in my house, raccoon in the trash, under deck, under the building, in the office, in the church, in the ceiling, on the deck, bird in attic, bird poop, alligator, reptile, lizard, mole, gopher, mole control, gopher traping, ground squirrel, mouse trap, goose, duck, venomous snake, non venomous snake, snake in the house, snake repellent, snake trap, new insulation in attic, guano, bat poop, bat shit, bat scat, bat proofing, bat proof, one way bat door, bat door, bat funnel, bat screening, bat check valve, bat house, how do i get rid of bats, rid a bat, how do i?, rid a squirrel, rid a coon, rid a raccoon, how do I get rid of raccoons, repellent, snake in pool, wildlife conflicts, animal issues, noises in the wall.

Raccoon Removal 720-306-1188 Denver, Colorado

Raccoons (Photo credit: Tristen.Pelton)

We all love raccoons. the silly masked creatures that instill laughter from cartoon characters that our children watch every day to Video games that have even adopted these charismatic creatures into their satire. The raccoon is usually displayed as the hero thief in the night that saves the day.

The truth is that although raccoons are one the most fascinating creatures we have in the united states. We are having serious issues with what is called urbanized raccoon behavior. It is natural for a raccoon to fear humans. This is the natural order. We humans are at the top of the food chain or the top predator. Unfortunately recently raccoons have started to show signs that they are beginning to lose their fear of us.

Ein Waschbär am frühen Morgen auf dem Dach ein...
Ein Waschbär am frühen Morgen auf dem Dach eines Wohnhauses. (English: A raccoon in the early morning on the roof of an apartment house.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A raccoon that has no fear can be a raccoon that can walk up onto your porch and investigate the surroundings. If you feed your domesticated pets on the same porch you can guaranty that the raccoon in the area are too. distemper is a big fear for dog owners and raccoon are known carriers. Raccoon can carry a multitude of disease causing agents. Raccons will den in Crawls spaces , under decks and under buildings too. The damage caused by raccoon can be unbelievable.

Raccoons can get into the craziest of places. Raccoon that invade tend to choose attic and chimney areas to make a nest or area to have young. A raccoon in the attic is dangerous and can have dramatic or even disastrous effects for the owner of the property.

A Attic restoration company can usually handle the issue. Insurance companies will from time to time even cover the cost fixing the entries , the cost of removal of feces impacted insulation and the re installation of new insulation. make sure to call so the insurance company can send an adjuster at the same time you have your wildlife pro come. this allows for quick solutions to your raccoon conflict issues.

Crawl Space restoration professionals can trap the raccoon or target animal and removal contaminated undercoating and replace with new undercoating or plastic moisture barrier for your crawlspace. Often the repair of hvac spider vent heating conduit can be repaired or replaced after the removal of raccoon or target animal.

When Looking for a raccoon removal specialist in Denver, CO:
First it is important to find a raccoon removal pro that can not only catch the wildlife, but make sure no future occurrences happen. Your Raccoon removal specialist will need to be licensed in the state you are located in. Experience is key. most states have a list of raccoon trappers on the internet and that is a great place to start.

Secondly you want to make sure the company you are using is reputable. A warranty is only as good as the company that writes it. If the trapper you use is self employed with no marketing or business presence then there is a chance he won’t be there is you have an issue. Call backs are only effective is the business is still in business.

Raccoon Removal in Denver, Colorado can be as easy as a phone call.
Call The Wildlife professionals @ 720-306-1188

We Service Arvada CO, Aurora CO, Boulder CO, Broomfield CO, Bennett CO, Brighton CO, Byers CO, Columbine Valley Co, Commerce City CO, Conifer CO, Centennial CO, Castle Rock CO, Cherry Hills Village CO, Deer Trails CO, Edgewaters CO, Englewood CO, Evergreen CO, Federal Heights CO, Franktown CO, Golden CO, Glendale CO, Greenwood Village CO, Henderson CO, Highlands Ranch CO, Lafayette CO, Littleton CO, Louisville CO, Morrison CO, Northglenn CO, Pine CO, Parker Co, Sedalia CO, Superior CO, Sheridan CO, Strasburg CO, Thornton CO, Watkins CO, Westminster CO, Wheat Ridge CO, Longmont CO, Black Hawk CO, Fort Collins CO, Colorado Springs CO, Denver Tech Center CO, Stapleton CO, Castle Pines CO, Elizabeth CO, Erie CO, Saddle Rock CO, South Aurora CO in Animal Control.

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Denver, CO 720-306-1188 Snake removal Season Has Started

Snake (Photo credit: digicla)

It is now June and this means snake removal is at it’s high point. Snakes are fantastic creatures and are of significant value to our ecosystem. They consume bugs, insects, pest rodents, rats and even other snakes. Without them life would be over run with pest animals.

It is unfortunate that sometimes a snake will follow it’s prey and find it’s way into a building or house and this is the time of year it happens the most.

English: Rattus norvegicus, the Brown Rat. Deu...
English: Rattus norvegicus, the Brown Rat. Deutsch: Wanderratte (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rodents such as mice, a mouse, sewer rat, brown rat, deer mouse and even flying squirrels either chew in or find gaps in the structure and once they are in they begin to build a family. after so long predators will take notice.

A snake in the home can be very scary and should always be handled by professional snake removal experts. If you can not identify the snake with certainty do not attempt to remove the snake your self. Snake bites typically happen when untrained individuals attempt to manipulate the snake.

The are companies that specialize in snake removal and preventative snake control.We recommend The Wildlife Professionals in Denver, Colorado.

Jerry Hernandez has several years experience in both  wildlife removal and Pest Control in Denver, CO and can handle your snake issue and provide a quote to exclude or use product to prevent future occurrences.

The flag of the City and County of Denver sinc...
The flag of the City and County of Denver since 1926. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


List of commonly found snakes Blind Snake,Texas Glossy Snake, Trans-Pecos Rat Snake, Worm Snake, Scarlet Snake, Racer, Buttermilk racer snake, Tan Racer Snake, Eastern yellow Belly Racer Snake, Mexican Racer, Southern Black Racer, Black-Striped Snake, Ringneck Snake, prairie ringneck snake, Regal Ringneck snake, Indigo Snake, Speckled racer, Rat Snake, Baird’s Rat snake, Great Plains Rat Snake, Corn Snake, Texas Black snake, Slowinski’s Cornsnake, Mud Snake, Hognose Snake, Night Snake , King Snake, Milk Snake, Cat-eyed Snake, Coachwhip, whip snake, Water Snake, Green Snake, Gopher snake, Crayfish Snake, Longnose Snake, Patchnose Snake, Ground Snake, Blackhead Snake, Garter snake, Ribbon Snake, Lyre Snake, Texas lined Snake, Earth Snake, Corla Snake, Sputhern Copperhead, Broad-banded Copperhead Snake, Trans-Pecos Copperhead snake, Western Cottonmouth snake, Western Diamondback rattlesnake,Timber rattlesnake, Banded Rock Rattlesnake, Mottled Rock Rattlesnake, North Black tail snake, Mojave Rattlesnake, Prairie Rattlesnake, Dessert Rattlesnake, Western Massasauga Rattlesnake.

Arvada CO, Aurora CO, Boulder CO, Broomfield CO, Bennett CO, Brighton CO, Byers CO, Columbine Valley Co, Commerce City CO, Conifer CO, Centennial CO, Castle Rock CO, Cherry Hills Village CO, Deer Trails CO, Edgewaters CO, Englewood CO, Evergreen CO, Federal Heights CO, Franktown CO, Golden CO, Glendale CO, Greenwood Village CO, Henderson CO, Highlands Ranch CO, Lafayette CO, Littleton CO, Louisville CO, Morrison CO, Northglenn CO, Pine CO, Parker Co, Sedalia CO, Superior CO, Sheridan CO, Strasburg CO, Thornton CO, Watkins CO, Westminster CO, Wheat Ridge CO, Longmont CO, Black Hawk CO, Fort Collins CO, Colorado Springs CO, Denver Tech Center CO, Stapleton CO, Castle Pines CO, Elizabeth CO, Erie CO, Saddle Rock CO, South Aurora CO

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